North Korea

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North Korea says U.S. drills have pushed situation

On Wednesday the United States and South Korea carried out a joint air drill with American B-1B heavy bombers and F-22 stealth fighters.
2 February 2023

North Korea fires suspected ICBM, warns U.S. against choices

4 November 2022

South Korea, U.S. discussing nuclear exercises as tensions flare

3 January 2023

North Korea's Kim demands more farmland to boost food production

3 March 2023

North Korea test-fires cruise missiles to demonstrate defense

25 February 2023

North Korea's Kim oversees ICBM test

19 November 2022

North Korea's foreign minister says U.N. SG not impartial

21 November 2022

North Korea locks down capital city over 'respiratory illness'

26 January 2023