PNC wins Male, Kulhudhuffushi council by-elections
A total of 13,112 people are eligible to vote in the by-elections. However, 3,528 people voted in the elections.
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The ruling People's National Congress (PNC) has won three seats in the Male City Council and the vacant seat in the Kulhudhuffushi City Council.
The Elections Commission on Saturday held elections to elect members for vacant seats in councils. By-elections were held in six constituencies.
The election results showed that the PNC won three seats in Male and the Kulhudhuffushi city council by a large margin.
Winners in the Male and Kulhudhuffushi election are:
Fatimath Shaufa: Henveiru West
Fatimath Ishan Ali: Machchangoalhi Central
Ali Aiman: Hulhumale
Ibrahim Ahmed: Kulhudhuffushi North
Other by-elections were held in:
for the seat of the female member of the Rasmadhoo council
for the seat of the president of the Bileyidhoo council
A total of 13,112 people are eligible to vote in the by-elections. However, 3,528 people voted in the elections, the elections commission said.