Shell and Eneco have agreed to work jointly on the offshore wind tender process for the Hollandse Kust (west) (HKW) VI and VII lots, which are located off the coast of the Netherlands. Photo/ReGlobal

Denmark to end green energy scheme due to EU law conflict

Projects that are well advanced and have the necessary approvals will continue.

20 December 2023

COPENHAGEN, Dec 19 (Reuters) - Denmark will shut down the so-called "open door scheme" for new applications to install renewable energy projects over conflict with EU regulations, the Danish Climate, Energy and Utilities Ministry said on Tuesday.

The review of applications for wind projects and other renewable energy projects under the scheme, which allowed companies to submit unsolicited applications to install renewable energy projects, was suspended in February due to a possible conflict with EU law.

"It has not proven possible to adjust the open-door scheme within the framework of EU regulation in a way that would facilitate a faster expansion of offshore wind," the ministry said in a statement.

The Danish Energy Agency will reject the remaining applications for the Vikinge Banke, Kadet Banke og Paludan Flak offshore wind farms.

Projects that are well advanced and have the necessary approvals will continue.

Denmark aims for a fivefold increase in offshore wind power capacity by 2030.

