Shahmin Islam, 32, of Bangladesh, was arrested at the airport with more than $81,000.

Bangladeshi man fined MVR 12,000 for smuggling $81,000

Aviation security discovered $81,030 (MVR 1.2 million) concealed in the luggage of Shahmin Islam, a 32-year-old Bangladeshi national.

2 hours ago

A man arrested with over $81,000 while his way abroad from Velana International Airport (VIA) has been fined MVR 12,000 by the Criminal Court.

In August, aviation security discovered $81,030 (MVR 1.2 million) concealed in the luggage of Shahmin Islam, a 32-year-old Bangladeshi national, who was a passenger on a US Bangladesh Airlines flight.

According to the charges, Shahmin's luggage was inspected by security at 1:53 p.m. at VIA. The cash was found hidden inside a packet of corn flakes in a white bag placed in his black backpack.

Shahmin pleaded guilty under a plea agreement. He informed the court that he was unable to afford legal representation and requested to be sentenced and deported from the Maldives as quickly as possible.

The plea agreement outlined the following:

  • Shahmin was fined MVR 12,000.

  • $4,500 (MVR 69,390) and 350 euros (MVR 5,885) were seized.

  • The prosecution stated that the seized money would be handed over within five days.

  • Upon receipt of the funds, Shahmin would use the confession agreement to pay the MVR 12,000 fine.

The Criminal Court ruled on Sunday that:

  • The fine must be paid to the Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA) within 15 days.

  • Customs will seize the $81,130 found in Shahmin’s possession.

Under Maldivian law, the punishment for smuggling or exporting goods illegally includes imprisonment for a period between six months and two years, or a fine ranging from MVR 10,000 to MVR 240,000.

