Census enumerators seen on the streets. (Atoll Time Photo/Abdulla Yashau)

Male population hikes by 4% per year; Villimale sees drop as people flock to Hulhumale

According to the data, the country's total population stands at 515,122.

31 March 2023

The total population living in the capital has increased by 4% per year on average in the last eight years, with the number of people living in the suburban town of Villimale decreasing and more people beginning to reside in the upcoming satellite town of Hulhumale, provisional results of the 2022 census released on Thursday showed.

The Maldives Bureau of Statistics (MBS) released the statistics based on the provisional results of the census conducted in September.

According to the distribution of population between Male and atolls, 41% of the total population currently lives in Male. According to the 2014 census, the population living in Male was 39%.

A large part of the population living in the Male lives in Hulhumale, with 53,193 people living in the satellite town excluding foreigners. Most people live directly in Male reside in Maafannu ward.

The change in the population of people living in the Male area over the last eight years:

  • Male - Increase of 1.09%

  • Villimale - Decrease of 2.10%

  • Hulhumale - Increase of 16.82%

According to the data, the country's total population stands at 515,122:

  • 382,751 Maldivians

  • 132,371 foreigners

From the total population of the country:

  • 46% or 236,747 people live in outer atolls 

  • 41% or 212,139 reside in Male

  • 10% or 52,396 in resorts

  • 3% or 13,841 in industrial locations

According to previous census data:

  • In 2000 – 27% lived in Male; 73% lived in atolls

  • In 2006 – 35% lived in Male; 65% lived in atolls

  • In 2014 – 39% lived in Male; 61% lived in atolls

