The barge shipwrecked near H.A. Dhidhidhoo Island.

Tug on Dhiddhoo salvaged after 4 days

President of the island council Abdulla Rasheed told Atoll Times on Friday that the tug was salvaged around 10 p.m on Thursday night.

6 May 2023

By Aishath Fareeha Abdulla

India's MM Export tug, which had run aground Dhiddhoo island reef on Tuesday, has been salvaged on Thursday night.

Four days after the tug carrying rock boulders required for the construction of the island's harbour ran aground, the vessel was salvaged on Thursday night. 

President of the island council Abdulla Rasheed told Atoll Times on Friday that the tug was salvaged around 10pm on Thursday, and that it was towed away with another tug carrying a rock bounders.

  • Besides the tug, a barge also ran aground the reef

  • The next day, the barge was salvaged by using MTCC's excavator

The council has submitted a formal request to the environment ministry and the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) to assess the damage caused by the barge and tug.

