Chief Justice of Maldives Muhthasim Adnan.

Chief justice says judges working sincerely, impartially

The most important thing to consider when serving as a judge is to make arrangements to facilitate those who come to seek the services of the court, he said.

17 July 2023

By Fathmath Ahmed Shareef

Chief Justice Muhthasim Adnan said on Sunday that the judges in Maldives are working with great sincerity and the cases brought before the judges are being decided impartially.

Muhthasim was speaking at a ceremony held at Meerumaa Hall on Sunday to launch a campaign to raise public awareness about court services and the work of the judiciary.

Muhthasim said that he had recently visited different parts of the country to see the functioning of the courts. During the visits, he also saw case reports dating back to the 70s and 80s, he added.

At that time, what happened in the cases and how the judges decided on the case were well documented. Muhthasim said that what stood out most from such reports was that the questions posed to those who were brought before the judges were short and they knew the veracity of the answers given to them.

"And, one thing I noticed when I read the reports was that when questions were asked of the people that were brought before the judges, they answered very honestly. That's very remarkable. Both then and long ago," he said, noting that the judges had written very clearly at the time how even disputes between two people had been resolved and the solution had been worked out.

He said what the judges are doing, even now, is to deliver justice and they are doing it as a service with great diligence and sincerity. They are listening to the two sides and finding a resolution to a dispute between two sides through the laws, he said.

The most important thing to consider when serving as a judge is to make arrangements to facilitate those who come to seek the services of the court, he said.

Muhthasim added:

  • Everyone who comes to the courts should be provided with equal clarification

  • Justice can only be delivered if all people work together

