Speaker Nasheed in Parliament: He insists on bringing in experts to consult with before passing tax increases in the parliament. Photo/Majlis

Nasheed decides against vote on tax hike bill without expert opinion

Nasheed, however, made it clear the rules governing the proceedings of parliament and the procedures he would follow.

25 October 2022

By Mohamed Muzayyin Nazim

Speaker Mohamed Nasheed on Tuesday said that there will be no vote on the government's proposal to increase GST from 6% to 8% and TGST from 12% to 16% from next year without a word from experts concerned.

MDP had issued a three-line whip last week to pass a bill sent by the government in late August to amend the Goods and Services Tax Act to raise certain taxes to increase the government's revenue. 

On the day the entire parliamentary committee began its study, some party members expressed their displeasure over the party issuing a three-line whip. Tuesday’s session was also heated over the issue.

  • Some MPs alleged that the government was trying to get the bill passed as soon as possible without a hasty study; it was not fair

  • Last week, MDP Parliamentary Group (PG) leader Mohamed Aslam said that even if a three-line whip is issued, necessary amendments can be brought in

As the meeting of the entire parliamentary committee examining the bill heated up on Tuesday, Nasheed said he would bring in experts to the committee to consult with as requested by some members during the debate.

"There is nothing for members to worry about in one way or the other. We have now written a letter asking finance minister [Ibrahim Ameer], members of MATI, members of the chamber of commerce and guest house association to come here. They will attend," he said.

During the debate, Central Henveiru MP Ali Azim, who supports Nasheed, said there was no room for discussion as MDP's MDP issued a three-line whip on the issue.

"While the committee was functioning, the quorum was removed and the [MDP] PG meeting was held despite it and a three-line whip was passed. What is there to discuss next? There is no need for discussion. Talks can be held only if there is space for it," said former MDP PG leader Ali Azim.

While MDP has issued a three-line whip in this regard, Nasheed said the bill will be put to vote only after summoning those who need to be summoned.

"Honourable members I don't intend to vote before the experts are appointed," he had said, opposing what the government wanted.

Some pro-government lawmakers feel that this cannot be done unless the committee approves external people to attend. Nasheed, however, made it clear the rules governing the proceedings of parliament and the procedures he would follow. 

Nasheed said:

  • The parliamentary system is based on three readings

  • The first reading is on the participation of the members; that is, the work done in parliament sittings

  • The second reading is the committee's work; that is, the process of bringing relevant experts to the committee, asking questions and conducting research

  • The next step is for the committee to prepare a report and send it to the parliament again

  • The report will be decided on in the parliament

"You honourable members are saying that at a time when all the people of the country want to have a say in it, experts should not be called to the parliament and discussions should be carried out according to the political lines you want. I can't leave it be anymore," Nasheed said in response to disgruntled MDP lawmakers supporting the government.

"I will uphold the democratic procedures mentioned above. The work I have to do while sitting in this chair is clear to me. I'm going to do this work in that clear way."

