From Villa College's ICSRI 2024. Photo/Villa College

Villa College completes its annual research conference

53 papers were presented under this year's theme. The papers were presented in eight areas.

10 June 2024

By Ahmed Mizyal

Villa College's annual International Conference on Social Research and Innovation (ICSRI) began on Saturday.

This is an annual conference held by Villa College since 2016. This year's conference ended on Sunday.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the conference, Deputy Vice Rector, Research and Innovation, Villa College, Dr Mohammad Adil said, "The aim of the conference is to create a strong network among researchers, lecturers, students and industry experts”.

He said it would also provide an opportunity for robust discussions on new directions and the creation of new approaches in the fields of social science and development.

Welcoming the conference participants, Villa College Rector Dr Ahmed Anwar said the conference is one of the most important events in the calendar of Villa College. He added that this year’s theme will help people learn how to understand and cope with climate change in society and around the world, advancing science and technology in a rapidly changing world.

Each year, Villa College's ICSRI is based on a specific theme of development. As such, this year's theme is 'Innovations for Sustainability: Forging the Path Ahead'.

53 papers were presented under this year's theme. The papers were presented in eight areas.

Five panel discussions on this year's theme were held and five people delivered keynote speeches. They are:

Keynote 1 (8 June)

  • By Professor Patrick McGorry

  • Topic: Your Mental Health: The Global Public Health Crisis and Solutions

Professor Patrick McGorry is known for his work in the development and scale-up of early intervention, youth mental health services, mental health innovation, advocacy and reform.

Keynote 2 (08 June)

  • By Professor Patrick McGorry

  • Topic: Youth Mental Health: The Global Public Health and Crisis

Professor Patrick McGorry is Executive Director of the University of Melbourne. 

Keynote 3 (08 June)

  • By Professor Mahmoud Abdel-Aty

  • Topic: Impact of Social Research and Innovation on National Income and National Security

Professor Mahmoud Abdel-Aty has contributed to quantum algorithms, measurement theories and nanomechanical modelling.

Keynote 4 (09 June)

  • Keynote will be given by Dr Tazeen Rizvi

  • Topic: Waves of Change: Catalysing the Health Tech Revolution

Dr Tazeen Rizvi is a healthcare digital technology leader with more than 15 years of experience in digitization, strategy, HIS implementation, market growth and optimising digital technologies for integrated healthcare delivery systems.

Keynote 5 (09 June)

  • By Mr Ibrahim Athif Shakoor

  • Topic: The Urgent Need for a More Sustainable Economic Development Model, Especially for Small Islands

Mr Ibrahim Athif Shakoor holds an MBA from Monash University, Australia. He has held top management and board positions in Maldives' largest and most diverse corporate entities.

Panel discussions

The conference held two panel discussions on Saturday and three on Sunday.

  • 1-

    Climate Change and Health: Impacts and Adaptations

  • 2-

    Dynamics of Bullying: Intervention and Prevention Strategies

  • 3-

    Closer to children - Programmatic innovation in bridging the policy implementation gap

  • 4-

    Optimization of Local Employment in Tourism Industry

  • 5-

    Critical Role of Data Sharing in Facilitating Evidence Based Decision Making

