Foreign Minister Moosa Zameer meets USAID Administrator Samantha Power during his official visit to the United States. Photo/Ministry of External Affairs

US discusses boosting aid to Maldives

The relevant Senate committee in the US recently ruled that any aid should be given to Maldives after ensuring that it does not take such action.

5 days ago

By Shahudha Mohamed

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) has discussed increasing its assistance to Maldives.

The discussions took place on Monday when Foreign Minister Moosa Zameer, who is currently on an official visit to the United States (US), met with USAID's top official, Administrator Samantha Power.

In statements issued by the two countries on the meeting, both countries said they had decided to enhance cooperation. According to a statement issued by USAID, some of the issues discussed at the meeting included:

  • promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, protect the environment, and strengthen democratic institutions

  • Efforts to resolve the debt problem faced by Maldives

  • Maldives' decision to join the Open Government Partnership

  • In collaboration with USAID, an initiative to link resort and local islands to strengthen inclusive economic growth

  • Further develop the decentralisation system and the capacity of island councils and women's development committees

During the meeting, Zameer thanked USAID for its assistance to Maldives and expressed his hope to further strengthen the relationship.

The discussions come amid a Cabinet decision to ban Israeli passport holders from entering Maldives, after which a US lawmaker introduced a bill in the US Senate to cut off aid to Maldives altogether if Maldives takes such a step. The relevant Senate committee in the US recently ruled that any aid should be given to Maldives after ensuring that it does not take such action.

Zameer is currently on a trip to the United States:

  • He will meet with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and senior government officials

  • He will attend a meeting of the Council of Foreign Relations

  • He will also meet with Maldivians living in Washington and New York

  • He will meet with senior tour operators and travel advisors in New York to discuss the expansion of Maldivian tourism

