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Kudagiri free on holidays; MVR 50 per person on weekdays

The Housing Development Corporation's (HDC) application titled 'Kudagiri Picnic Island' can now be downloaded from Google Play and App Store.
9 February 2023

Kudagiri mobile app launched

4 February 2023

First govt-owned submarine cable lands in Maldives

12 August 2023

Israel's Cognyte won tender to sell intercept spyware to Myanmar

16 January 2023

Nokia changes iconic logo to signal strategy shift

27 February 2023

Elon Musk expects Twitter to be 'cash flow break-even' next year

22 December 2022

Qualcomm, Nvidia spar for top spot in AI chip efficiency tests

9 April 2023

Samsung's newest Galaxy S smartphones a test of brand power

2 February 2023