Maldives sees 5,848 daily tourists in 2023
555,537 tourists have visited the Maldives so far this year. This is an increase of 24% over the same period last year.
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On an average, 5,848 tourists arrive in the Maldives daily so far this year, according to tourism ministry data.
According to the latest statistics released by the ministry on Friday, 555,537 tourists have visited the Maldives so far this year. This is an increase of 24% over the same period last year.
A total of 31,609 tourists arrived in the Maldives in the first five days of April, averaging 6,322 tourists a day.
Currently, tourists spend an average of eight days in the Maldives.
Top five source markets:
Russia – 68,102 tourists (12.3% of total tourists)
India – 58,859 tourists (10.6% of total tourists)
UK – 55,093 tourists (9.9% of total tourists)
Italy – 48,135 tourists (8.7% of total tourists)
Germany – 41,489 tourists (7.5% of total tourists)
The United States, France, China, Switzerland and Poland feature next among the top source markets.
According to the tourism ministry, there are currently 1,232 tourist facilities with 60,510 beds in operation.