Maldivian and TrueNoord sign the agreement on Friday. (Photo/Maldivian)

Maldivian signs pact to lease A330 airplane

The introduction of the A330-200 to Maldivian’s fleet will enhance the airline’s operational capabilities.

27 July 2024

In alignment with the presidential pledge to introduce wide-body operations to the national carrier, Maldivian on Friday announced the signing of an agreement with TrueNoord for an Airbus A330-200 aircraft.

The ceremony was attended by Maldivian’s Managing Director Ibrahim Iyas, Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation Mohamed Ameen, and key representatives from both companies.

The introduction of the A330-200 to Maldivian’s fleet will enhance the airline’s operational capabilities, enabling it to explore new and exciting destinations while offering passengers an elevated travel experience.

“This agreement with TrueNoord is a testament to Maldivian’s unwavering dedication to growth and innovation,” said Ibrahim Iyas, Managing Director of Maldivian.

“The A330 will be instrumental in expanding our international network, creating new opportunities for tourism and trade in the region.” The A330, renowned for its efficiency, range, and passenger comfort, will allow Maldivian to cater to the increasing demand for air travel and offer travellers more convenient and flexible flight options."

TrueNoord is a leading global aircraft leasing company specialising in providing tailored leasing solutions to airlines worldwide. With a focus on customer satisfaction and operational excellence, TrueNoordsupports the growth and success of its airline partners.

Maldivian, the national airline of the Maldives, excels in providing extensive domestic and international connectivity. Their fleet serves 16 domestic airports and international destinations such as India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Maldivian operates the largest wheel-based fleet in the country, complemented by specialised seaplane services for seamless transportation.

