EC begins hiring staff for2023 presidential elections
The Election Commission has said that preference will be given to those who have worked in the elections in the past.
The Election Commission (EC) on Monday has announced the recruitment of staff for the upcoming general elections.
The EC announced the recruitment of temporary staff to carry out various work related to the presidential elections. The notification for the same reads:
At this time, 11 employees are being hired
Contractual employees hired till the elections are over
Around MVR 9,300 per month in salaries and allowances
The Election Commission has said that preference will be given to those who have worked in the elections in the past during the selection process. The EC has also asked interested candidates to apply for the jobs by 3 pm on 25 December.
In the budget for 2023, MVR 90 million has been earmarked for holding the presidential elections. With this money, the EC has said that it will not be able to hold the presidential elections if a second round is to be held. The EC has said it will need MVR 120 million to conduct the two rounds of elections.
The EC is expected to announce the election dates by the end of this month.