Govt proposes bill to give legal status to workers' unions
This law will lay down the procedures to be followed for the formation, registration and dissolution of labour trade unions and employer unions.
Mariyam Umna Ismail
The government has introduced a bill in parliament to give legal status to workers' trade unions.
Maradhoo MP Ibrahim Shareef introduced the Industrial Relations Bill in the parliament on behalf of the government and the debate on the bill began in Wednesday’s parliament session. The objectives of introducing the bill are as follows:
Lay down the procedures to be followed for the formation, registration and dissolution of labour trade unions and employer unions
A robust mechanism for resolving disputes between workers and employers through dialogue
Mechanism to hold those responsible for such actions accountable in cases where workers are deprived of their rights, under the law
The rights of workers under the bill are:
The right to form workers' trade unions and employer unions without obtaining prior permission from anyone, and to be a member of such a union and to participate in activities undertaken by such unions
The right to participate in law-permitted activities and industrial action carried out by the union to which he/she belongs during or after his/her work hours
Right to be appointed or elected to a post in the Union to which he/she belongs as per the rules of the union
Right to seek help from the union to which the person belongs and accept the union's assistance
If there is any provision in a regulation or employment contract against these workers in a manner that does not provide for any rights or benefits under this Act or violates any such thing, then that clause shall be null and void as per the bill. It also states that no party shall coerce or intimidate any person in matters relating to a workers' union or employers' union.
Some of the highlights of the bill:
The post of Registrar of Unions should be created to look after the registration of unions and all related matters.
The post of Director General of Industrial Relations should be created to regulate unions; within six months of the Bill becoming law and coming into force, the Finance Minister should appoint him to the post.
Why are unions important?
Can help bridge labour wage gap
Can advocate for rights in pay, leave and workplace
Union members are more assured of job security than non-union workers