A man wearing an oxygen tank picks a sea cucumber: It was banned earlier but has now been allowed.

Harvesting sea cucumbers by scuba diving allowed

Fisheries ministry Director General Adam Ziyad said the rule has severely hampered the work of those involved in sea cucumber trade.

14 June 2023

By Aminath Shifleen

Government on Tuesday amended the general fisheries regulations to allow harvesting of sea cucumbers by scuba diving. 

According to the previous regulations, prohibited activities in fishing include scuba diving and harvesting sea cucumbers. Therefore, many people have been snorkelling in shallow waters wearing masks only to harvest sea cucumbers, which is a growing trade in Maldives now.

However, the latest amendment removed the provision from the list of prohibited activities.

Fisheries ministry Director General Adam Ziyad said the rule has severely hampered the work of those involved in sea cucumber trade.

"Most sea cucumbers are found at certain depths that can be reached by scuba diving only. But it is banned and people’s income is affected," he said.

Ziyad said it was allowed at the request of many people involved in the industry.

While harvesting sea cucumbers by scuba diving has been allowed, other related regulations have been introduced. They include:

  • Only those who have received national or internationally recognised diving training and certification can conduct this fishing activity

  • Violators will be fined MVR 5,000

  • If an uncertified person is sent to dive, the boat captain or master or whoever is in charge will also befined MVR  5,000

