Indian on land recipients list an error, will remove: Govt
Akram said the purpose of the provisional list is to identify and correct such issues and then compile a final list.
Mohamed Muzayyin Nazim
An Indian who is married to a Maldivian and has been granted Maldivian citizenship in 2019 was included in the provisional list of land recipients under the government's Binveriya scheme and his name will be removed from the final list, the housing ministry said on Wednesday.
The government on Monday released the provisional list of Male natives who will receive free land under the government's Binnveriya scheme. The list has been scrutinised on social media, with some people expressing concerns about some of the recipients. They say:
One concern is that Habeeb Rahman Mohammed Hanifa, MA. Maliku-view/Male was included in the list
Concerned individuals say that after living in Male for many years, he obtained Maldivian citizenship in 2019
Many from the outer islands who have been living in Male for most of their life are automatically disqualified from the scheme
State minister for housing Akram Kamaluddin, who headed the committee that compiled the list, told Atoll Times on Wednesday that the database of the Department of National Registration (DNR) was used in compiling the list. However, the system did not know that he had previously registered in another country and therefore Habeeb's name was mistakenly listed as an eligible person, he said.
"The DNR system did not pitch that he [Habeeb] had previously been registered in another country... That will be corrected in the final list," Akram said.
If an applicant has ever been registered in a place other than Male, they are automatically disqualified from the scheme
Noting that the released list is a provisional one, Akram said the purpose of the provisional list is to identify and correct such issues and then compile a final list. He noted that anyone can submit complaints before July 15.
"Not only that issue, there are other issues that have been identified. We will correct them when the final list is released," Akram said.