During a meeting of the PPM Senate: Former President Nasheed's The Democrats are being consulted at the behest of former President Yameen.

Opposition senators slam 'secretive' talks with Nasheed's Democrats

The PPM-PNC leadership has formed a five-member committee to consult with the Democrats. Besides Shiyam and Thoriq.

1 July 2023

By Mohamed Muzayyin Nazim

Members of PPM-PNC senate have expressed displeasure over the leadership's decision to negotiate with The Democrats, a breakaway party led by former MDP president Mohamed Nasheed, without informing the main decision making body of the main opposition coalition. 

The Democrats and the PPM-PNC have begun talks to change the government of President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih. The discussions are being attended by PPM coalition MP Ahmed Thoriq and Naifaru MP and PPM Vice President Ahmed Shiyam.

Thoriq and Shiyam are participating in the talks at the behest of former president and opposition presidential candidate Abdulla Yameen. However, the coalition leadership and the senate are unaware of this, some senators told Atoll Times.

Messages of dissatisfaction were exchanged in the senate WhatsApp group on Saturday. Screenshots of the messages have been obtained by Atoll Times.

Some senators say the PPM began talks with The Democrats without consulting the senate at all. Some senators do not believe that should be the case. Therefore, there are differences of opinion within the PPM-PNC.

"The party senate has given powers to the party leadership, but that should not make the senate non-existent. I think the party senate should be informed of the leadership's decisions," wrote Ahmed Siddique, a senator and former state minister for home affairs.

He said it was important for the leadership to consult the senate when taking major decisions on matters related to the general interests of the party. He also asked other senators to think carefully about his idea.

Siddique's idea was supported by some members of the senate.

“At the same time, I think it is important for the leadership and the council to seek the advice and guidance of the three advisors appointed by president [Yameen] on important matters like this,” said Jameel Usman, a former MP for Gemanafushi constituency.

However, former Hoarafushi MP Mohamed Ismail did not support Siddique's idea. He questioned the existence of senate.

"Does the senate have to convene only to ask for advice, or does it have to convene at all?" Mohammed Ismail asked.

So far, PPM-PNC's Thoriq and Shiyam have held two meetings with The Democrats. Speaking to reporters after the meeting on Monday, Shiyam said the talks began with Yameen's advice.

He announced that the two sides will launch joint activities this week.

The PPM-PNC leadership has formed a five-member committee to consult with the Democrats. Besides Shiyam and Thoriq, the committee includes:

  • Faresmathoda MP Hussain Mohammed Latheef

  • PNC Vice President, Hulhumale councillor Ibrahim Shujau

  • PNC Vice President Mohamed Hussain Shareer

Before the talks began, the opposition held a press conference on June 22 where PNC President Abdul Raheem Abdulla said the coalition was working with The Democrats under Yameen's guidance.

However, some senators who did not express their views in the senate told Atoll Times that even if they start talks with The Democrats saying that Yameen instructed them, the senate should also know about it.

"They don't hold any senate meetings. Where they don't hold meetings, they don't even share information about these major issues. This is a concern," a senator said on condition of anonymity.

"I wonder what Tom [Thoriq] and Shiyam are trying to do using Yameen's name. This is the single largest opposition party. The senate of this party should be formally informed if they go for talks, and what was discussed."

Nasheed-owned Ocean Weekly weekly magazine on Friday published suggesting that a joint candidate who is neither Nasheed nor Yameen will contest the September 9 election. The PPM leadership and some members including Shiyam have criticised the article.

