Jumhooree Party (JP) presidential candidate Gasim Ibrahim during his presidential election campaign at A.Dh. Dhidhoo. Photo/JP

Gasim says single term cap needed to avoid misuse of state resources

Gasim accused President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, who is currently in power and running for a second term of illegally working to get it.

27 August 2023

By Fathmath Ahmed Shareef

JP leader and its presidential candidate Gasim Ibrahim on Sunday called for a change in the constitution's provision to allow two terms to be president and to ensure that a person who is the president is not allowed to run for two consecutive terms.

According to the constitution, the term of office of the president is five years. No person elected to the office of president shall hold office for more than two terms, consecutive or otherwise. 

Gasim is currently on a tour of the atolls for his presidential campaign. Addressing JP supporters in the island of ADh. Dhidhoo, where he was born, Gasim alleged that a person in power spends money to secure a second term unbothered if what they did was "Halal (allowed) or Haraam (forbidden)".

"If there is no second term, there's no problem. Even if the current term is extended from five years to seven years, there is no need for anyone to come and do illegal work if there is only one term available to them. But the ruling party may try to rope in someone else again, this too is no small thing again," he said.

Gasim, however, agreed that there were difficulties in amending the constitution to extend the term. He then went on to say that being in power, it is abhorrent for leaders to use public property illegally.

Gasim accused President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, who is currently in power and running for a second term, of illegally working to get it. He added that the government has increased the allocation of funds and government jobs to divert votes in the president's favour.

