Haider arrives to a press conference at Dharubaaruge. Dhauru Photo/Hussain Sunain

Govt seeks new housing portal developers

The Ministry said such a platform is being set up with the aim of allocating land and flats under housing schemes through a transparent system.

15 January 2024

By Aishath Fareeha Abdulla

The government has decided to develop an online portal to ease the application for housing schemes.

A housing application portal that can provide immediate scoring and realtime  information on the status of housing applications is part of the government's 100-day promises.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Development on Monday invited tenders for the development of such a housing application system.

The ministry said in their announcement:

  • An information session on the bid will be held on Tuesday at 10 am at the Ministry of Housing

  • Bids must be submitted by 2 p.m

If the cost of the proposal exceeds MVR 500,000, bid security should be submitted. Bid security is MVR 1,577.50.

The terms of reference, which accompanied the announcement for the development of the portal, said such a platform is being set up with the aim of allocating land and flats under housing schemes through a transparent system.

Applications for the Binnveriyaa and Gedhoruveriyaa schemes implemented by the last government were also done through an online portal called Gedhoruverin.

However, the then housing authorities are accused of meddling with the portal and changing the points allocated during the presidential election. They have, so far denied it.

