A parliament sitting. (Photo/Parliament)

MPs get more time for emergency motion debate

Parliament passed an amendment to give one opportunity of five minutes to each other MP who wishes to speak on the matter.

24 July 2024

The time allowed for each member to debate emergency motion in the parliament has been increased from three minutes to five minutes.

Amendments to the rules of procedure of the parliament were moved by Velidhoo MP Mohamed Abbas and passed:

  • As in the previous rules, a total of one hour for debate on the emergency motion

  • As in the previous rules, to give an MP seven minutes to speak

  • To give one opportunity of five minutes to each other MP who wishes to speak on the matter

Abbas’s motion was supported by PNC parliamentary group leader, Inguraidhoo MP Ibrahim Falah.

The amendment was passed unanimously by 63 members present at Wednesday's session. The new rules of procedure of the parliament were also passed on Wednesday with the amendment.

The rules also amended the chapter on submitting emergency motions to parliament. If an emergency matter is to be moved, the speaker must give notice of the matter 45 minutes before the start of the sitting.

According to the previous rules of procedure, notice of an emergency motion must be given 15 minutes before the start of the sitting.

