Shameem. (Atoll Times File Photo)

Committee passes Shameem's removal as chief prosector

With the committee passing the motion, the parliament will now take a vote on Shameem's removal.

22 August 2024

The judiciary committee of the parliament on Thursday passed a motion to recommend the parliament to remove Hussain Shameem from the post of Prosecutor General (PG).

The motion was passed in a closed-door meeting of the committee where Shameem attended to respond to the motion. Despite Shameem's request to hold an open session, the committee decided to hold a closed-door session.

The motion was moved by the ruling PNC's Hulhudhoo MP Mohamed Shahid. He sent a seven-page letter to the committee stating eight reasons for Shameem's dismissal.

The reasons given in Shahid's letter are:

  • Former tourism minister Ali Waheed's rape case filed without proper reason

  • Former youth minister Ahmed Mahlood's case filed because he was charged with corruption in violation of the rules established in the criminal justice system

  • He decides not to appeal lower court decision in a major rape case

  • Withdrawal of human trafficking charges against former Milandhoo MP Ali Riza filed in Criminal Court

  • Withdrawal of prosecutions for extreme alcohol consumption

  • Failure to prosecute corruption involved in the purchase of ventilators during the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Discriminations among the employees of the Prosecutor General's Office

  • Unable to investigate homosexuality allegation against his spokesperson Ahmed Shafeeu

According to the rules of the parliament, the judiciary committee must first approve the removal of Shameem. The committee will then announce a no-confidence motion against Shameem.

With the committee passing the motion, the parliament will now take a vote on Shameem's removal.

