Police deployed in Male. Dhauru Photo/ Abdullah Anoof Junaid

Police look for victims in new motorcycle scam

Last April, police launched an investigation into a similar case against Megatron Motors Maldives Wave International.

8 August 2024

Police on Wednesday launched a probe to find out if there were more people involved in the scam that began claiming to import motorcycles.

In a notification posted on its website on Wednesday, the police said they were investigating a case of fraudulent withdrawal of money from several people by a company named Kingston Holdings Maldives Private Limited on the pretext of bringing in motorcycles from abroad.

The police announcement said they want to investigate whether more people were involved.

Police said if anyone is involved in the scam, to contact the Economic Crime Investigation Department at 9790048.

Last April, police launched an investigation into a similar case against Megatron Motors Maldives Wave International.

