Hdh. Hirimaradhoo councillors and council staff at the Ministry of Local Governance.

Hirimaradhoo residents seek Thulusdhoo relocation

Hirimaradhoo is the least populated area in Haa Dhaalu atoll.

9 September 2024

Residents of Hdh. Hirimaradhoo consulted with the Local  Governance Ministry regarding their request on relocating to K. Thulusdhoo.

Local Governance Minister Adam Shareef and Hirimaradhoo Council members had a meeting in Male on Monday.

Along with photos of the meeting, the minister posted the council's expectations in the social media platform 'X'. 

They include:

  • It is a decision of the people living in Hirimaradhoo, the minister said, referring to the council

  • The decision was to relocate them to Thulusdhoo

Hirimaradhoo is the least populated area in Haa Dhaalu atoll.

According to the latest 2022 census, they have a population of 293 people. The number of local residents is 260 people. The population of the Hirimaradhoo registry is 584 people.

The last time residents of Haa Dhaalu atoll were relocated in 2011 when residents from Hdh. Maavaidhoo, Kunburudhoo and Faridhoo were relocated to Hdh. Nolhivaranfaru. 

