Cornsnail found in Rasfannu. This is a poisonous shell

Poisonous corn snail sighted in Rasfannu

Typically found in deeper waters, these snails are more likely to appear on the coastline during colder nights.

8 December 2024

Oceanholic Maldives, a prominent environmental organisation dedicated to protecting marine life, has issued a public warning about the presence of a highly venomous cone snail spotted at Rasfannu Beach in Male.

The organisation urges the public to take extra precautions while swimming in the area, especially during evening and nighttime hours when these snails are most active.

Cone snails, particularly a species known as the "cigarette snail," have been part of the Maldivian marine ecosystem for many years. Typically found in deeper waters, these snails are more likely to appear on the coastline during colder nights. The venom of these snails is potent and can be life-threatening, depending on the species and the size of the snail.

The venomous bite of a cone snail is one of the deadliest in the marine world. When it captures prey, it uses specialised teeth to inject a toxic substance that paralyses or kills its victim. Unfortunately, humans are not immune to the effects of this venom. Experts warn that a bite from a cone snail can lead to severe symptoms, including paralysis, and in some cases, death.

The "cigarette snail" is the most dangerous of its kind, with its venom acting swiftly. In fact, experts have noted that if you are bitten, you might have as little time to save your life as it takes to smoke a cigarette. Prompt medical treatment is essential for survival, and the risks should not be underestimated.

To protect yourself and your loved ones, Oceanholic Maldives recommends several safety precautions when visiting Rasfannu or any other beach areas in the Maldives:

  • Wear protective footwear: This is especially crucial for children who may be more susceptible to accidental encounters with the venomous snail. The organisation strongly advises that beachgoers wear shoes at all times when walking on the beach or wading into the water.

  • Avoid barefoot swimming: It is essential to refrain from swimming barefoot in areas where these snails may be present. Even though the cone snails are typically hidden in the sand or submerged in sea soil, they are capable of striking unexpectedly if disturbed.

