During a press conference held to inform about the government's hike in allowances for persons with disabilities. Photo/Gender Ministry

Extra MVR 42m needed to fund hike in disability allowance

Miuvan said it will be arranged through the budget already allocated for the National Social Protection Agency (NSPA) and Aasandha.

15 June 2023

The government has decided to increase the allowance for people with disabilities, which requires an additional MVR 42 million than the amount allocated in this year's budget for the budget, according to figures.

The President's Office held a press conference on Thursday to give details of the decision to increase the allowances for people with disabilities.

According to statistics included in a presentation shown at the press conference, there are currently 11,371 people on the disability register. More than 100 people are newly registered every month this year.

With the new structure:

  • 42% of the beneficiaries will receive up to MVR 3,000

  • MVR 4,000 for 15% of the beneficiaries

  • MVR 5,000 for 25% of the beneficiaries

  • MVR 6,000 for 15% of the beneficiaries

When asked how the government has decided to allocate the necessary funds for the increase in allowances, presidential spokesperson Miuvan Mohammed said the funds have been allocated in this year's budget.

Disability benefits:

  • The approved budget for this year is MVR 341 million

  • MVR 111 million has been spent on allowances so far this year

  • Balance of MVR 230 million

Based on the information given at the press conference, for the remaining part of the year with the changes in the allowance structure:

  • The government will have to spend more than MVR 272 million on people with disabilities

  • More than MVR 42 million beyond the budgeted amount will be needed

When asked again how the government will fund the increase, Miuvan said it will be arranged through the budget already allocated for the National Social Protection Agency (NSPA) and Aasandha national health insurance scheme. 

Despite Miuvaan's claims, much of the Aasandha budget has now been exhausted.

Instead of the current MVR 2,000 for disability allowance, at least MVR 3,000 per person will be paid. The government announced the additional allowances based on various categories.

Previously, people with disabilities were given an allowance of MVR 2,000 per month. However, with this change, the disability allowance has been categorised, with the basic pay increased to MVR 3,000.

In addition, three other changes have been made to the allowance:

  • Those who cannot live on their own or have to fully rely on someone else will be given an additional allowance of MVR 2,000

  • Those who need help with basic needs will get an additional 'self-care allowance' of MVR 1,000

  • If there are more than three people with disabilities in the same household, an additional MVR 1,000 will be paid depending on level of disability

Eligible for assistance under all categories, the maximum allowance given will be MVR 7,000 for one person.

