Census enumerators seen on the streets. (Atoll Time Photo/Abdulla Yashau)

Census in Male, Hulhumale extended for second time

MBS said census will continue in Male and Hulhumale on Wednesday as enumerators had been unable to complete the exercise by Tuesday's deadline.

28 September 2022

By Shahudha Mohamed

Maldives Bureau of Statistics (MBS) on Wednesday extended the census exercise in Male and Hulhumale for a second time.

MBS launched the nationwide census on 13 September, to be conducted until 25 September. However, lack of enough enumerators in the Male region forced the bureau to extend the exercise in Male region until 27 September.

In a statement, MBS said census will continue in Male and Hulhumale on Wednesday as enumerators had been unable to complete the exercise by Tuesday's deadline. 

According to MBS: 

  • While the field work in Male has been completed by Tuesday night, there are still places where information cannot be completed; some buildings and residential areas are not accessible

  • Information on such facilities will be completed as much as possible

  • Those who have not provided information can contact the bureau's hotline at 1423

  • The bureau will make arrangements to collect data once requests are made via its website from Thursday until 3 October

Census exercise:

  • Enumerators will go from door to door from 9am to 7pm every day

  • They will be operating at night in special circumstances

  • They will visit households for a second time to collect details once the listing phase is completed

MBS said that the enumerators endorsed by the bureau will have special passes that validate their presence, and advises the public to make sure they are endorsed teams before accommodating the interviews.

The census will collect information regarding:

  • In addition to the residential areas and households, information on new economic establishments

  • Employment and income details and other information relative to the working age group

MBS requested the public to engage honestly with the enumerators; to provide accurate information and cooperate when they go to conduct the census. The bureau noted that the law regarding census stipulates:

  • It is mandatory for everyone under the Statistics Act to provide information for the census.

  • A fine of MVR 5,000 will be imposed for obstructing the duties of the enumerators, making abusive remarks or threatening them.

  • A person who attempts to conduct a fraudulent census will be fined MVR 30,000 and criminal charges will be pressed.

