Census 2022: Only 1 island with less than 100 people
Overall, the largest population decline was recorded in GDh. atoll.
Aminath Shifleen
The only island with a population of less than 100 is V. Rakeedhoohoo, according to census statistics.
After eight years, the census was conducted last year. The official data was released on Tuesday, and the results show a significant increase in the total population. They include:
In 2014, the population was 515,132
Last year's population alone was 402,071
Over the past eight years, one of the largest population changes in Maldives has been in V. Rakeedhoohoo, apart from the capital Male. The island is now the only island with a population of less than 100.
Rakeedhoo is also the second most depopulated island in the past eight years.
Statistics show that:
In 2014, there were 106 people living in Rakeedhoo
There are now 76 people living in the island
Of these, 14 are foreigners
The number of people living in the island has decreased by 4.2% in eight years; this is a high number compared to other islands
Rakeedhoo is also the only island in Maldives that does not have a school
According to the census, there are 32 islands with less than 500 inhabitants. Of these, five islands with a population of less than 200 are:
V. Rakeedhoo - 76 people
A.Dh. Dhidhoo - 141 people
M. Raiymandhoo - 171 people
L. Mundoo - 176
B. Fehendho - 198 people
These islands had low population even eight years ago. However, the number of people living in these islands has increased somewhat in recent years. The population of Fehendhoo has increased from 100 to 198 in the past.
In eight years, the population has declined the most in GA. Kolamaafushi. The population of the island decreased by 5.1% last year compared to 2014. The island used to have 958 inhabitants but now has 636 inhabitants.
Overall, the largest population decline was recorded in GDh. atoll. They include:
The population of Vaadhoo has declined by 4%; that's a decrease of 196 people
The population of Faresmathoda decreased by 246 people
The population of Nadella has declined to 3.6%
There were 550 people in Rathafandhoo but now there are 431 people in the island