President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih's coalition with MDA has been dissolved; senior leaders meet the press after deciding to support Mohamed Muizz. Dhauru Photo/Ibrahim Ifaz

MDA breaks coalition with Pres Solih; backs Muizz in runoff

Asked whether he would participate in the PPM-PNC campaigns, Siyam said the MDA will be working hard to win with those they form a coalition with.

27 September 2023

By Fathmath Ahmed Shareef

The Maldives Development Alliance (MDA) on Tuesday decided to break its coalition with MDP candidate President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and support opposition PPM-PNC candidate Dr Mohamed Muizz in the upcoming runoff. 

The MDA, which campaigned for the second-placed President Solih in the first round of the presidential election held on September 9, made the decision at an emergency meeting of the party's council.

At the council meeting held on Tuesday evening, MDA leader Ahmed Siyam Mohamed proposed not to join any party in the second round. However, party member Mohamed Abbas proposed to break the coalition and move forward with the PPM-PNC. Abbas' motion was supported by party vice-president Ali Mauroof and passed by a majority of 33 out of 36 members in attendance.

Speaking to reporters after the council meeting, Siyam and Mauroof said they received a total of three proposals for the meeting:

  • Two members supported the MDA's neutrality

  • Two members supported maintaining the agreement with the MDP

  • 33 members supported the breakdown of the coalition with the MDP and joining with the PPM-PNC

Mauroof said the decision was taken because the members believe that President Solih will not win the second round and the results of the first round show that many people are supporting the opposition candidate Muizz.

"Today, with the political reality of Maldives gone topsy turvy, others parties not joining a coalition with President Solih became a major obstacle to winning the election. At the same time, our members noted that support for Dr Muizz is growing," Mauroof said.

Mauroof added that after going to the second round with the second place contestant, the campaign was suspended and the MDP became silent.

Asked whether he would participate in the PPM-PNC campaigns, Siyam said the MDA will be working hard to win with those they form a coalition with.

Before the first round of the election, Siyam and other senior party leaders attended every campaign event of the president as coalition partner.

However, Siyam has not been seen in any of the MDP's second round activities since the president came second in the first round of elections.

