Maldivians carry placards in show of support to Palestine during the rally on Friday. (Atoll Times Photo/Hussein Sunein)

Maldives stands with Palestine in solidarity rally

The rally drew a diverse assembly, with cabinet ministers, high-ranking government officials, and the general public.

14 October 2023

In a resolute display of unity, the Maldives held a solidarity rally for Palestine on Friday evening, gathering a substantial crowd at the Artificial Beach area in the capital city of Male.

The event, titled 'Dhivehinge Bodu Evvun,' meaning 'Gathering of Maldivians,' was organised as part of the Maldives with Palestine national campaign, initiated by the Isra Association and the International Aid Campaign (AIC), in response to Israel's recent attacks on Gaza.

The rally drew a diverse assembly, with cabinet ministers, high-ranking government officials, and the general public joining forces to express unwavering support for the Palestinian people.

Various civic groups, including donors, IAC, Isra Organisation, Mahaldheeb Foundation, Jamiyyathul Akhawaadh, Maldives Turkiyé Foundation, and 'Heyo Bingaa,' actively participated in the event.

In a show of widespread solidarity, evening rallies bearing the title 'Maldivians with Palestine' were also held in numerous islands throughout the outlying atolls, extending the message beyond the capital region.

The ongoing conflict stems from air strikes launched by Israeli armed forces in Gaza since Saturday. Israel has additionally pursued an effort to gain control of Hamas-controlled areas along the Gaza-Israel border.

The situation escalated when Hamas initiated a large-scale military operation into Israeli territory on October 7, responding to Israeli violations at the Al Aqsa Mosque. Subsequently, incidents of violence against Palestinians by Israeli settlers have surged.

