Maleeh who led the press conference of the Provisional Steering Committee, which he claimed to have been formed by Yameen to run PPM. Dhauru Photo/Hussain Sunain

PPM suspends Maleeh over leading Yameen's committee

The press conference has caused a stir among the PPM leaders.

22 November 2023

By Shahudha Mohamed

PPM on Wednesday suspended former minister Mohamed Maleeh Jamal from the party citing his attempts to create divisions within the party.

In letter signed by the two vice-presidents of the PPM, fisheries minister Ahmed Shiyam and defence minister Ghassan Maumoon, PPM informed Maleeh that the party leadership has suspended him from party activities and referred his case to the party's ethics committee.

Maleeh was told that he cannot participate in any party activities until the party's ethics committee takes a decision.

The letter states that the reason for the measures against Maleeh is that he is trying to divide the party while serving as a senator. Some of the things he has done include:

  • Forming his own committees without notifying the party leadership or the senate

  • Contrary to the party constitution, without consulting the party leadership or the senate, he held a press conference in the name of the party and led the press conference

  • Attempts to divide the party against the party's principles

An emergency press conference was held at the PPM office on Tuesday evening. The press conference was led by former technology minister Maleeh. He was accompanied by former customs commissioner Abbas Adil Riza.

They said a 13-member steering committee was formed under the powers of former president Abdullah Yameen, who serves as the party's president.

However, since Yameen is serving a prison sentence, he has no legal status in running the party.

The committee also said at the press conference that Heena Waleed had resigned as the party's spokesperson and had conveyed to Yameen that party secretary general Mohamed Tholal could not take up his responsibilities.

Heena has denied the allegations. The press conference has caused a stir among the PPM leaders.

