Nasheed yet to resign from parliament despite politics break
The Democrats Parliamentary Group Leader Ali Azim told Atoll Times that Nasheed has not yet resigned from the parliament.
Mohamed Muzayyin Nazim
Former President and Mahchangolhi Central MP Mohamed Nasheed, who will officially take over as Secretary General of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) next month, has not yet resigned from his post as a member of parliament, the parliamentary office said on Sunday.
Nasheed, who takes over as the global association's secretary general next month, has six months left in his five-year term as a member of parliament. The members of the 19th Parliament were sworn in on May 28, 2019. The term expires on May 28 next year.
Nasheed, who has resigned as the Speaker of Parliament and is currently working abroad for the association, announced in a statement on 12th of this month that he will step down from political activities in Maldives 'for the time being' to free up time for the work of the association.
"I think I will be able to serve Maldives immensely this way. I respectfully announce that I will start serving in this group from January 2024," he said in the statement announcing his acceptance of the position of secretary-general of the organisation, which was formed with 11 countries, including the Maldives.
The statement did not say whether Nasheed was taking over the post after resigning as a member of parliament. He has not yet commented on the matter.
The Democrats Parliamentary Group Leader Ali Azim told Atoll Times that Nasheed has not yet resigned from the parliament. The parliamentary office also confirmed this to Atoll Times.
It is worth mentioning that according to the Constitution, MPs cannot hold any other public office while being members. The Constitution does not provide that a member cannot hold any other position in a foreign organization or foreign country.