November 29, 2023: Election Commission approves the formation of the People's National Front (PNF), which was formed after former president Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom resigned from PPM. Dhauru Photo/Hussain Sunain

EC says only 59% of PNF membership forms valid

"The reasons for the defective forms will be clearly explained through the portal now", the EC said.

13 March 2024

By Mohamed Muzayyin Nazim

The Election Commission (EC) has said that only 59% of the 3,000 forms submitted for the registration of the People’s National Front (PNF) have turned out valid.

Three months after the EC approved the party's formation, the PNF submitted 3,000 forms to the commission late last month.

EC Vice-President and Spokesperson Ismail Habeeb told Atoll Times on Tuesday evening that a total of 3,370 forms have been submitted for the party's registration. Thus:

  • Initially, 3,060 forms were submitted

  • Later, another 310 forms were submitted

"Of these, 1,976 forms were valid. 81 forms are not valid. Then there are 1,313 forms that can be valid by making administrative corrections," Habeeb said.

He said the forms that could be administratively corrected were some that were not signed and some where information was incomplete. And the invalid 81 forms were, according to Habeeb:

  • Where some people were called but could not confirm the validity of the forms

  • Where fingerprints are smudged

"The reasons for the defective forms will be clearly explained through the portal now. Once 113 of the invalid forms are corrected and submitted, the required number of registrants will be reached," Habeeb said.

Yameen announced his decision to quit PPM and form a new party on November 23, following some conflicts with President Muizzu. Thus:

  • The party applied for permission to register a new party under the name PNF on November 26. The Election Commission granted permission to the party to reach the required 3,000 members and carry out party formation activities three days later, on November 29

  • The party's founders have previously said they will reach 3,000 members within 24 hours

  • When asked about the delay in submitting the forms, the party said it would submit the forms at the most appropriate time considering the political situation

  • It has since said that the party will be registered after Yameen's release.

