Police active at a crime scene. Dhauru Photo/ Abdulla Anoof Junaid

Man and woman arrested for abduction, extortion

Recently, there have been cases of people being taken to Hiyaa flats and being robbed.

1 June 2024

By Mohamed Muzayyin Nazim

Two locals have been arrested and remanded in police custody for allegedly kidnapping, threatening and extorting money using sharp weapons.

A 43-year-old man and a 39-year-old woman were arrested in the case and produced before the Criminal Court on Friday. The court ordered them to remain in custody for 15 days.

According to the court order, the two people are accused of committing the crime together. Thus:

  • A man was taken into a room, and robbed

  • Police submitted a photo of CCTV footage to the court

The amount of money that was extorted is not stated in the court order.

The woman arrested in the case lives in a Hiyaa flat.

Recently, there have been cases of people being taken to Hiyaa flats and being robbed. The cases are also being investigated. It is not clear whether these two arrested on Friday were from Hiyaa flats, or if the crime was committed there.

In addition, two other kidnapping cases in Male surfaced late last month and several people were arrested.

