Homeland Minister Ali Ihsan: The total number of expatriates in Maldives is still unclear, Ihsan said in an interview with Atoll Times on Monday.

Maldives to amend laws to ban Israeli passports

The cabinet has planned to hold a nationwide march under the banner “Maldivians with Palestinians”.

2 June 2024

Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Ali Ihusaan has said that the cabinet has decided to amend the relevant laws to ban Israeli passports.

At a press conference held by the President’s Office on Sunday, the minister also said that a special committee has been elected within the cabinet to proceed with the Israeli passport ban efforts. The committee consists of:

  • Homeland Minister Ali Ihusaan

  • Foreign Minister Moosa Zameer

  • Attorney General Ahmed Usham

  • Minister for Economic Development & Trade Mohammed Saeed

  • Tourism Minister Ibrahim Faisal

  • Ministry of Islamic Affairs Dr Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed

Minister Ihusaan also said that the President has decided to anoint a special envoy to Palestine, in order to directly communicate on how Maldives can better serve Palestinians, -something that has never been done before.

The minister added several other endeavours decided by the cabinet to aid Palestine.

  • Fundraising events to send relief aid to Palestine in collaboration with UNRWA

  • A nationwide march “Maldivians with Palestinians” 

  • Maldives to initiate dialogue amongst Islamic countries to find a swift solution to the Palestinian issue

