
By Aminath Shifleen

An 8-year-old who went missing from Gaafu Dhaalu Fiyoaree on Saturday has been found and now taken to the atoll’s capital Thinadhoo Hospital for further tests.

The child was reported missing at 7 pm, and found at 11:30 pm by the islanders.

Fiyoaree council told Atoll Times that the child was found inside a deserted house not far from the child’s home. The child was found fallen in the yard of the house and was unconscious.

Council Member Mohammed Shahmat said:

  • The child did not seem to be injured externally

  • Police will investigate the case further, due to the nature of it

  • That’s why the child was taken to Thinadhoo Hospital for further testing 

"The child was unconscious when found, but gained consciousness right away when water was poured on the head. There were no other visible external injuries," Shahmat said.

He said the child left the house on Saturday angry with the mother, and that this behaviour was normal for the child. According to the family, despite the walk-out, the child always returns home soon, or latest by sunset, he said.

Police were reported when the child did not return home after sunset, Shahmat said.

