President speaks at Friday evening's ceremony. (Photo/President's Office)

President proposes 3 councillors for 3,000 population, 5 for more

Noting that the number of councillors in capital Male is now 18, the president said he would also like to reduce the number of members of the city councils.

20 July 2024

President Mohamed Muizzu said on Friday that three councillors should be appointed for islands with a population of less than 3,000 with seats out of the three reserved for women and youth.

After earlier saying he would propose to amend the law to reduce the size of councils, the president expressed his views on the matter at a ceremony held at Dharubaaruge Friday evening. However, a decision will be taken after technical studies, he said.

"I think in islands with a population of not more than 3,000, it is enough to elect three people. [They are] a council president and two others," he said.

“One of them is to be a women's president elected by women and the other is to be a youth president elected by youth."

Speaking at the launch of a home ministry portal, President Muizzu said the people could elect the vice-president from among the two councillors to be elected.

“If three councillors out of 3,000 are elected for day-to-day works and a large part of the budget is shaped to pay good salaries to the civil servants working in the council, all the employees of the council will be happy and give good service,” he said.

In addition, his proposal for the number of councillors in islands with a population of more than 3,000 is five.

“For example, I would like to see a total of five councilors between 3,000 and 10,000,” he said.

"However, these will be decided in the light of technical studies."

Noting that the number of councillors in capital Male is now 18, the president said he would also like to reduce the number of members of the city councils.

The president added:

  • The current number of councillors is a financially burdensome system that does not produce the most desirable results

  • The aim is to reduce the number of councillors and provide better services

"This is not a matter of numbers. We have to be perfect in providing services, we have to be sincere in providing services, we have to be honest in providing services, we have to be active," he said.

