Several fishing boats docked at he Kooddoo Jetty area. Photo/Masverin

MIFCO to give 10 ice tonnes on credit

3 tons of ice was distributed free of charge to each boat that left for fishing on the 22nd of this month.

29 August 2024

Starting from next Saturday, Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company (MIFCO) will be issuing up to 10 tonnes of ice to fishing boats, to be paid later, on credit basis.

MIFCO made the announcement on Thursday.

MIFCO said it decided to issue ice on credit to encourage struggling fishermen to continue fishing. Thus:

  • MIFCO can issue up to 10 tonnes of ice at once and on different occasions for each fishing boat

  • Boats that buy ice on credit will be billed after deducting the amount from the bill after MIFCO purchases fish from them

3 tons of ice was distributed free of charge to each boat that left for fishing on the 22nd of this month.

MIFCO said in July that due to the decline in fishing during this period, the number of fish procured by MIFCO has decreased and the production of canned fish has also decreased. Fish products such as Rihaakuru and smoked fish are also difficult to obtain from MIFCO shops.

Some retail fishermen who buy fish from the fishing boats and sell it in the market also say that it is difficult to get fresh fish to sell due to the low fishing these days.

Fishermen say they don’t go out to fish much now because of the decline in fishing and the rising costs.

