Immigration issues advice to a boat that carried nine illegal immigrants to Kulhudhuffushi. (Photo/Immigration)

Action on boat captains for undocumented expat transport

Special operations are being conducted in Male to find them.

2 September 2024

Immigration department has said that action will be taken against the captains of boats carrying undocumented immigrants.

Immigration is working to track down undocumented immigrants and deport them. Special operations are being conducted in Male to find them.

Immigration Controller Mohamed Shammaan Waheed told Atoll Times on Monday that the captain of the boat should take responsibility for the undocumented immigrants.

"It is prohibited to carry foreigners without valid documents. The responsibility should not be taken by the owner of the ship or boat, but the captain," he said.

Immigration on Sunday issued a written advice to the captain of a boat that carried nine undocumented immigrants to HDh. Kulhudhuffushi. Immigration posted on social media:

  • The boat was searched and nine undocumented immigrants were given notices to appear at immigration centres

  • The captain has been advised in writing

  • Action will be taken under the law if the immigration order is not followed

According to the Immigration Act, if immigration officers board a vessel and ask for documents, they must submit a list of crew and passengers and official documents identifying them. 

  • The captain must also arrange for the passengers to be questioned

  • If an immigration officer requests that the vessel be searched for any person who is not authorised to enter Maldives, the captain of the vessel shall be held liable

