13 June 2024: Attorney General Ahmed Usham holds a media conference at the Attorney General's Office in Velaanaage.

AG undecided on out-of-court settlement of sacked police

The issue stems from a decision by the Police Board to dismiss seven senior officers.

4 days ago

The Attorney General's (AG) office remains undecided on whether to settle the ongoing case regarding the dismissal of senior police officers, following a High Court decision that opened the door for an out-of-court settlement.

The case, which centers around the dismissal of seven senior officers by the Police Board, has gained attention due to its implications for both police governance and the state’s legal approach to internal disciplinary actions.

The issue stems from a decision by the Police Board to dismiss seven senior officers. Of these, five officers challenged the decision in civil court, which ruled in their favor, ordering their reinstatement. The prosecution, representing the state, subsequently appealed the civil court's ruling to the High Court.

With the change in government, the newly constituted Police Board requested that the AG's office reconsider the previous dismissal order, suggesting that the officers should be given another chance.The High Court, recognising the sensitive nature of the case, granted an opportunity for both sides to pursue an out-of-court settlement. However, the AG's office has yet to make a formal decision on whether to proceed with such a settlement.

When asked about the ongoing talks surrounding a potential out-of-court settlement, a spokesperson for the AG's office stated that no final decision has been made. Due to the confidential nature of the High Court proceedings, further details about the discussions have not been disclosed.

The case itself is being conducted behind closed doors, with little information released to the public.

The seven officers who were initially recommended for dismissal by the Police Board include:

1. Superintendent Mohamed Dhaud

2. Assistant Commissioner Farhaad Fikri

3. Chief Superintendent Ahmed Shuhaad

4. Assistant Police Commissioner Mohamed Jamsheed

5. Assistant Commissioner Ahmed Mohamed

6. Superintendent Ismail Shameem

7. Chief Superintendent Abdullah Shareef

Among these, five officers, excluding Farhad Fikri and Ahmed Shuhaad filed the civil suit to contest their dismissal. However, two officers, Assistant Police Commissioner Mohamed Jamsheed and Assistant Commissioner Ahmed Mohamed, were dismissed in 2021 while awaiting a final court decision. Both officers were appointed during former President Abdullah Yameen's administration.

One of the most contentious aspects of this case is the promotion of some of the officers involved while the case is still in court. Notably, Abdullah Shareef, one of the officers facing dismissal, was recently promoted to the rank of Assistant Commissioner of Police.

Jamsheed and Ahmed Mohamed remain in the police force, despite the legal challenges surrounding their positions.

