Inside MIFCO factory building in G.A.Kooddoo. Photo/Parliament

MIFCO fires 28 employees

A MIFCO spokesperson assured Atoll Times that these lay off were not politically motivated, but guided by HR policy and was based on employee performance.

21 July 2024

By Aishath Maha

Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company (MIFCO) has said it has not laid off any employees to improve its operations or reduce waste and expenditure, but due to negligence 28 employees have been laid off so far.

There are rumours that MIFCO is laying off employees in low-key jobs.

The company's media coordinator Ibrahim Saeed told Atoll Times on Sunday that people have been laid off from the fish factory in Kooddoo since June last year.

According to him:

  • 28 people have been let go

  • Other facilities under MIFCO are being looked into

  • No employee has been dismissed for political reasons

  • New employees will not be hired to replace the dismissed employees

  • The company is at its most efficient with the current employees

"The proof is that there will be employees belonging to the PNC among those who were dismissed. They were dismissed on the basis of poor performance: some had not shown up for work in days, others sent salaam notices well after noon and the others submitted their medical certificates for absences after given leeways and deadlines”, Saeed explained.

"They were all fired under HR policy”.

The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Fisheries and MIFCO have decided to conduct an efficiency exercise to strengthen the company's operations and reduce costs.

  • A 20% reduction in the basic pay of leaders in senior and middle management positions; these include, from the currently vacant CEO position to senior manager ranks

  • Harmonise the pay structure to reduce pay gaps

  • Dismissal of employees based on performance

  • Dismissal of employees on probation if they are not essential employees, also based on their performance

  • Contract employees after the age of 65 should be given three months notice to be dismissed and contract employees should not be hired except in exceptional circumstances

  • Deputy Head Allowance, Engineering Allowance, Can Production Allowance, Risk Allowance and Non-Practice Allowance to be abolished to amend the allowance rules

  • All ferry allowances except Villimale Ferry Allowance will be stopped

  • Contract employees will not be renewed after this month except those essential to the company

  • Overtime restricted

  • Offer to leave with a three-month package for those who wish to leave their jobs of their own free will

A number of fishermen protested near the Addu Fisheries Complex last month over non-payment of fishermen.

