Dhiffushimaidhoo, which has been removed from the list.

3 islands removed; 6 lagoons and 1 island added for tourism lease

Tourism ministry has issued a third amendment to the list of islands and lagoons designated for tourism.

2 days ago

Three islands previously opened for tourism development have been removed from the list, with six lagoons and an island in Gaafu Dhaal atoll added to the list on Monday.

Tourism ministry has issued a third amendment to the list of islands and lagoons designated for tourism.

With the amendment, the list removed:

  • Lh. Dhiffushi (with Maidhoo) - 15.17+20.99 hectares

  • Th. Kanimeedhoo - 10 hectares

  • Gdh. Kalhehuttaa - 7.61 hectares

The tourism ministry did not say whether the three islands were removed from the list after they were allocated to some people or because they no longer wanted to carry out such a project.

New additions to the list include: 

  • A lagoon in Baa atoll - 0.60 hectares

  • A lagoon in Kaafu atoll - 0.20 hectares

  • A lagoon in Kaafu atoll - 82 hectares

  • A lagoon in Kaafu atoll - 47 hectares

  • A lagoon in Vaavu atoll - 0.14 hectares

  • A lagoon in Gaafu Dhaalu atoll - 0.35 hectares

  • Gdh. Raaverinkolhihuttaa - 0.77 hectares

The ministry said that when submitting proposals for tourism development, the area and the size of the lagoon should be mentioned.

The proposal submission form is available on the tourism ministry. 

