A food stall at a recent market in Male.

Concerns raised over new food advertising rules, fees

Public concerns are primarily related to the fees required for advertisement approvals, which are non-refundable.

1 March 2025

The public and small businesses have expressed concerns over the provisions of the new Food Advertising Regulations, which came into effect on 20 February.

The Maldives Food and Drug Authority (MFDA) introduced the regulations to establish standards and guidelines for food advertising. Under the new rules, advertisements for any type of food must be submitted to the MFDA for approval before being published. The regulations specify that:

  • Advertisement permits are valid for three years and must be renewed upon expiry.

  • Any modifications to an approved advertisement require a new approval.

  • Applications must be submitted through an online portal.

  • Advertisers must provide the script, audio, video, and images when seeking approval.

Public concerns are primarily related to the fees required for advertisement approvals, which are non-refundable. The fees include:

  • MVR 1,000 for a photo advertisement

  • MVR 1,500 for video or audio advertisements

  • MVR 3,000 for energy drink advertisements

  • If an advertisement is not approved, a revised version must be resubmitted with a new fee payment

Online food retailers are also required to comply with the regulations, affecting small and medium-sized businesses that promote their products through social media. Some businesses have raised concerns that the high fees present a financial challenge.

A social media user commented, “There is a need to rethink the Food Advertising Regulation. It will not be easy for small and medium-sized businesses to pay the fees required by the regulation.”

Others have argued that the regulations could negatively impact home-based businesses, particularly those run by women, rather than supporting them.

Failure to comply with the regulations results in penalties, with fines set at:

  • MVR 10,000 for the first violation

  • MVR 100,000 for the second violation

  • MVR 300,000 for the third violation

  • MVR 500,000 for any further violations

