Political appointees get Umrah leave
Although political appointees have been granted special leave for Umrah, civil servants do not get it.
Fathmath Ahmed Shareef
The President's Office has amended regulations governing the conduct of political appointees directly appointed by the president to provide Umrah leave.
This is the 11th amendment to the regulations that came into effect on July 1, 2012.
'Annual Leave, Leave of Absence, Travel' clause previously stated that political appointees, who are performing the Hajj pilgrimage for the first time, can take 35 days off from the date of departure as paid leave.
A clause has now been added to the regulation that grants 15 days' leave for political appointees performing first-time Umrah.
Although political appointees have been granted special leave for Umrah, civil servants do not get it.
President's Office permit needed for official travel
A new set of guidelines for official travel has also been introduced for political appointees. They will be allowed to travel only if they are informed in writing that they have received special permission from the President's Office.
Earlier, it was only to send a report of official travel abroad and to the islands to the minister or head of the office.