Street corner near Annaarumaage, N. Manadhoo, where Naeema's dead body was recovered.

2 knives used to kill Naeema recovered

One of them was arrested two or three days ago; he had confessed to the crime and told the police where some evidence was.

27 May 2023

By Mariyam Umna Ismail

Police have recovered two knives believed to have been used to kill Naeema Moosa, who was found murdered in her home in April.

Police have also located the clothes believed to have been worn by the killers on the night of her murder.

Police commissioner Mohamed Hameed revealed on Friday that two suspects have been arrested Naeema's murder. The commissioner had tweeted that the police were searching a place where there was "vital evidence".

Giving an update on the case, the police chief later tweeted:

  • Two sharp-edged weapons (knives) believed to have been used to kill Naeema have been recovered

  • The clothes believed to have been worn by those involved in the attack have been recovered 

  • The clothes were found by digging a pit where they had been burned and buried

Some residents who spoke from the island said the police had recovered them from the area called Manadhoo Naamagu.

As confirmed by a trusted source:

  • Two young men, aged 20-25, have been arrested over the murder

  • The two men belonged to a group in the island known to abuse drugs

  • One of them was arrested two or three days ago; he had confessed to the crime and told the police where some evidence was

  • The police raided the given location and premises 

