Male City Council held its first public meeting of the year at Artificial Beach,, Dr. Mohamed Muizzu speaking at the meeting. Dhauru File Photo/Abdullah Iyaan

Mayor Muizz stripped of power to change fees, revenue measures

The opposition-controlled council's bylaws previously only stated that the interests of the people should be given priority in decision-making

21 June 2023

By Fathmath Ahmed Shareef

Male City Council on Wednesday voted to amend its bylaws to ensure that a decision taken by a council committee cannot be implemented unless it is approved by a majority of a general meeting of the council, in a bid to restrict several powers held by mayor Dr Mohamed Muizz.

The opposition-controlled council's bylaws previously only stated that the interests of the people should be given priority in decision-making. The mayor was not required to obtain council's consent when making decisions to provide services to the public.

The council's bylaws were amended on Wednesday to include four items:

  • To make changes to or develop public open spaces, lands, parks and streets in the city or to set them aside for a specific purpose or to lease them or to change the hours of service thereof

  • Change in fees charged for services provided by the council

  • Implement revenue measures 

  • Make any changes to the annual budget or part of the budget approved by the council

The council approved all amendments, submitted by three councillors aligned with The Democrats party, except the amendment to make any changes to the budget or part of the budget.

According to the amendment to the bylaws, standing committees can be established by a majority of the council to reform, monitor the work of the council, set policy and resolve issues encountered. The committees shall operate under a rule formulated and approved by the council.

However, even if a committee decides something, it shall not be implemented unless it is approved by a majority at a formal meeting of the council.

