Election Commission President Fuad Thaufeeg gives an interview to Atoll Times. Dhauru File Photo/Muzayyin Nazim

Defiant EC chief rules out quitting after 'pointless' confidence vote

Vice chair Ismail Habeeb has started chairing sittings of the EC after three commissioners said they did not have confidence.

24 July 2023

By Mohamed Muzayyin Nazim

Elections Commission (EC) chairman Fuad Thaufeeg said on Monday that he would not resign from his post despite a symbolic no-confidence vote that was taken against him among the commissioners.

Disputes among EC members first came to light after two commissioners sought to do further checks on the membership forms submitted by The Democrats before granting the permission to form the breakaway party led by parliament speaker Mohamed Nasheed.

  • Commissioner Ali Nashath accused Fuad of trying to give permission to Democrats in haste, but Fuad denied it

  • Granting permission to The Democrats was delayed by a month; the party was allowed to register on July 2

Three out of the four members who attended the commission's meeting after the registration of Democrats passed a no-confidence motion against Fuad. The three members are:

  • Ali Nashath

  • Dr Mohamed Zahir

  • Mohamed Asif

Fuad told Atoll Times on Monday that the commissioners do not have authority to remove the chair and that the no-confidence motion has no legal weight. 

"It will not affect my position in any way. It has no legal weight. I am in the office right now and I am still working," he said.

"It was completely pointless, has no weight at all”.

Vice chair Ismail Habeeb has started chairing sittings of the EC after three commissioners said they did not have confidence in commission chair Fuad Thaufeeq.

When asked about it, Fuad said he was running the commission in accordance with the law and regulations. He said members who disagree are also being given "all possible leeway".

"Then I have nothing more to say. I won't resign," Fuad, who is serving a second term as the commission's chairman, said.

"If a court or parliament removes me from office because what they say carries any weight, I will stay at home. Otherwise I will not resign myself."

Section 10 of the Elections Commission Act lays down two circumstances under which the post of president of the commission would fall vacant.

  • if the commissioner loses his commission post

  • by resigning on his own

According to the law, EC chair is appointed via a vote among commissioner. Only parliament has the power to dismiss members from the commission.

