From MDP's national council meeting held at Izzuddin School on February 15, 2023. Dhauru Photo/Abdulla Iyaan

MDP national council say no to Nasheed, system change

Kinbidhoo MP Mohamed Nashiz said Nasheed was trying to bring parliament "for selfish reasons; to come to power".

2 October 2023

By Ahmed Naif

MDP's national council members have expressed their opposition to bringing former president and Speaker of  parliament Mohamed Nasheed back to MDP and to change the governance system of the Maldives to a parliamentary one as desired by him.

Nasheed on Sunday sent a message to MDP Chairman Fayyaz Ismail saying he was ready to rejoin the MDP if the National Council decided by a 50% majority.

  • Many members spoke against bringing Nasheed back; 3 members spoke in favor of bringing back Nasheed

  • There is no support for Nasheed's efforts to overthrow the system of government to a parliamentary one

Hassan Zareer, a member of the MDP's highest decision-making body, the national council, wrote in the group that he would stand behind President Solih even if he had to stay alone. "No, no," he said, to parliamentary system of governance.

The council’s Dh. Kudahuvadhoo constituency president Shathir Abdul Rahman said he would not be in the party if Nasheed was brought back to the MDP with the support of 50% of the MDP members. He said he was definitely against it.

Kinbidhoo MP Mohamed Nashiz said Nasheed was trying to bring parliament "for selfish reasons; to come to power". 

MDP Deputy Chairman Ibrahim Waheed also expressed his views that the main reason for the MDP's failure to win the presidential election was that Nasheed left the party and formed a new party called The Democrats to work against the government. He said he would work alone instead of bringing back a person who acted in that way.

Overall, members who expressed their views in the National Council group accused Nasheed of trying to take advantage of the situation and use the MDP as a means to bring about a parliamentary system of governance.

MDP Chairman Fayyaz Ismail also told the council group that they cannot support the overthrow of the system of government in Maldives. The election was won by President-elect Dr Mohammed Muizz and he should be given the opportunity to rule for a five-year term, Fayyaz said in the group.

The MDP national council will hold a meeting on Tuesday to make important decisions on the future of the party after losing the election.

