Maldivian fishing vessels docked side by side. Dhauru Photo/Abdullah Iyaan

Indian navy boards local fishing boats inside Maldives' territory

Asuruma-3 Captain had refused to indulge the fishing vessel's satellite-phone number when the foreign soldiers asked for it.

1 February 2024

By Shahudha Mohamed

Indian military personnel had boarded two other Maldivian fishing boats, apart from A.Dh. Mahibadhoo’s Asuruma-3 boat, which was fishing in the northern economic zone of the country, according to the Bodu Kanneli Masveringe Union (BKMU).

BKMU President Hussain Nafiz, quoting the sailor of Asuruma-3, told Atoll Times that the other two boats boarded by Indian troops while carrying weapons are:

  • Neru-7; Captained by a man from Mahibadhoo, the boat is from Noonu atoll

  • Maahoara-3; This boat is from H.A. Ihavandhoo

Both the boats were fishing in the same area where Asuruma-3 was also fishing and the matter has been brought to the attention of the MNDF, he said. However, Nafiz said he has not been able to speak with the sailors on these two boats as they do not use satellite phones.

He added that:

  • The Indian soldiers that boarded Asuruma-3 had inquired if it had a satellite phone and what the number of the satellite phone was

  • The boat captain had informed the soldiers that he had no reason to share the number with them

  • As soon as the Indian troops boarded Asuruma-3, the boat had begun sharing information with the Maldivian Coast Guard

  • The foreign troops had disembarked from Asuruma-3 before the Coast Guard could reach them

"I would say this will cause deep trauma to the boat crew. I strongly condemn the fact that foreign troops had just approached, stopped and boarded [the boats] while they were in their own Maldivian waters," Nafiz said.

It was the BKMU that first reported the incident when the Indian military vessel stopped and soldiers boarded Mahibadhoo’s fishing boat Asuruma-3.

MNDF, however, did not exactly say whether it was Indian soldiers who boarded the vessel in their message to the media on Wednesday, saying it had "received report that a boarding team from a foreign military vessel had boarded the fishing vessel".

