PG leader Falah speaks at a meeting of PNC PG members. Photo/Parliament

Ruling party backs opposition bill to ban Israeli passports

Although PNC supported the bill, Falaah lashed out at MDP for not doing so when it was in power.

10 June 2024

By Mohamed Muzayyin Nazim

The ruling People’s National Congress (PNC)’s parliamentary group on Monday supported the opposition Maldives Democratic Party (MDP)'s bill to include Israeli passport holders among those banned from entering Maldives.

The preliminary debate on the immigration law amendment bill that was submitted late last month by MDP member Meekail Naseem was held on Monday.

During the debate, PNC Parliamentary Group Leader, Inguraidhoo Constituency Member Ibrahim Falah expressed his support for the bill.

"This bill to amend the Immigration Act of Maldives, which has been moved by the Honourable MP for Galolhu South, I believe is a very important bill," he said as he began the debate.

Although PNC supported the bill, Falaah lashed out at the party as well. As such, Falah noted:

  • Israeli attacks on Palestine began last October; then the MDP was in power

  • He questioned why this step was not taken during the MDP government

  • He said he did not want to politicise the issue, adding that if it was politicised, it would not produce the desired results

Falaah moved that the bill be referred to the Security Services Committee for consideration. The motion was supported by the Vice-President of the House, Dhiggaru MP Ahmed Nazim.

Nazim said his request was to consider all the perspectives at the committee stage and take a decision on the matter.

'I believe that the decision we make is to take these decisions in a way that, in a whole [or] collectively, our freedom, security, and economy would not be harmed,' Nazim said.

The Cabinet decided on 2nd of this month to make the necessary changes to the law to ban Israelis from entering Maldives. A resolution in the last days of the 19th parliament called on the government to ban Israelis from entering the country.

